Jpmannen1337 Minecraft blog: januari 2012

torsdag 26 januari 2012

cannot upload video!

Hello everybody!

I don´t know if I´ve told you this, but I`ve got divorced parents. Which means that I live every each other week at my mom´s place and the other weeek at my father´s place. Something has happened to the internet at my mom´s house (I´m there right now) which means that I cant upload any videos, it stops on 0% uploaded. I let be there for like four hours without it processing anything. I don´t know what it is but it´s sad because I wish I coud upload the second part of the speedbuilding of house eight, but sadly it´s not possibly until this problem is fixed. Otherwise I´ll have to upload it on monday when I´m at my father´s place! Seee ya soon!!¨


söndag 22 januari 2012

House eight speedbuild part one! :)

Hello everybody!

Right now I´m uploading the first episode of the building of house eight, it´s fast :) The house took me 48 minutes to build and I fasted it up to around seven minutes. (Notice that it´s only the house structure and not the exterior or interior design) Hope you like it!
